
المهدوي:” الدبيبة “لا يحارب جريمة تهريب البشر كما يصوره إعلام “اللافي” أمام الدول الغربية المعنية


Political analyst Ahmed Al-Mahdawi said that Al-Zawiya was famous for being one of the active centers of illegal immigration, and therefore the use of excessive violence would not be the best solution to eliminate this forbidden trade overnight.

Al-Mahdawi stressed that Al-Dabaiba is not fighting the crime of human smuggling, as his media is trying to portray him in front of the Western countries concerned with this issue, such as Italy, indicating that if he was serious about this endeavor, he would have started targeting the dens of that crime in the capital, Tripoli, the center of his rule.

He pointed out that seriousness in combating crime requires the dismissal and trial of the pioneer of the Coast Guard affiliated with his government, Abd al-Rahman Milad, nicknamed “Al Bidja”, especially that he is being pursued by UN sanctions for his involvement in smuggling people and fuel and committing violent violations against migrants.

It is believed that the real goal of the security operation is limited to Al-Dabaiba’s desire to eliminate an armed force present in the city of Zawiya, as well as in Zintan, and it is rumored that it is about to launch a lightning military attack on the capital to remove his government, in addition to the fact that the outbreak of conflict in the region may be a good excuse for Al-Dabaiba not to proceed with elections.

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